Table 10.3   Photographic Records and Implementation Status of Measures

EP No.


Photographic Record

Implementation Status



20220726_093600  20220726_093056

To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas.




20220719_094112  20220719_094151

To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas.





To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas.




20220715_141040  20220727_094738

To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas.




20220704_143142  20220714_093835

To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas.




20220714_153722  20220714_153835

To minimise adverse impacts on habitats of ecological importance in the vicinity of the Project, 2m high solid dull green site barrier fences shall be erected around all active works areas.


Implementation status:

^         Mitigation measure was fully implemented

*         Observation/reminder was made during site audit but improved/rectified by the contractor

#         Observation/reminder was made during site audit but not yet improved/ rectified by the            contractor

X        Non-compliance of mitigation measure

·         Non-compliance but rectified by the contractor

N/A   Not Applicable at this stage as no such site activities were conducted in the reporting            period


 [1]:     Barrier fences might be subjected to change according to the phasing plan designed at detailed design stage